Tea is balance – it brings a degree of presence and mindfulness in the whole of my life. More and more, I find myself very still without particularly trying.

Tea is a lover I never have seen the real depths of fully, I never can, the more I see the more She lets me know there’s more

Tea is my meditation – it helps me in accessing depth of being previously undiscovered

Tea is medicine – it shows me where I’m causing myself and others hurt, just by simply being drunk around enough space

Tea is connection – it shows me how there’s nothing else that matters now other than my own experience right now

Fundamentally I am Tea.

Or in the form of a poem by my teacher, Wu De:
A thousand cups later
And I’m still here
An old fool
I could’ve had it in one

The kettle once again sings
The pine-wind chorus celebrating my awakening

But I’d rather wait and see
My pots shiny and careworn
The cups cracked and stained
Before the dream ends.

I’ll come back, too
It it means another cup with you.